Bashing the Stereotypes: Meet Taring Babi Community

Alida Rahmalia
Artikel oleh : Alida Rahmalia
Foto oleh : Alida Rahmalia
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Punk community in general is seen as a criminal society, All black clothing, body tattooed, pierced and mohawk hair, these traits are most easily seen as a symbol of the punk community. Aside from that, Taring Babi Community indeed is very unique, because unlike the punk in general. They’re actually integrated into the society and have a good relation to all circles within. 


Punk rockers might deserve a bad reputation, perceptions from us, mass media the way they interpret it might be negative as it seems. Intrigued by the idea and the controversies around of whether rock music inspires punk rockers to do such negative things. I decided to find out and discovered things that made me in awe.


Not just in awe, but it was an experience meeting them. I highly respect, appreciate and praise of what they have been doing all this time. We might not know behind all these pigeonholes. They are actually more than something. 

I found out in Taring Babi Community, they are highly responsible. Not just responsible but also professional at the same time! Who would’ve known that they have actually made an extremely high-quality video recording and also a recording studio where I had a chit-chat inside the room. I was expecting perhaps a drug use among them. But in fact, not at all. They held a principle of drug using is not cool and people who came to the basecamp are not even allowed to bring any drugs. Surprisingly, the visitors held respect too and none of them brought anything. 

“Kita pun tidak mau menjadi bagian yang kita tidak suka” said Mike, one of the founder of this community. So what’s the purpose of liking what we don’t like? “Kita berkontribusi kepada hal-hal yang paling terdekat dulu” That in meaning, Creative ideas shape them and gain awareness from people around. In their spare time, they held a wood-cutting workshop, sometimes, english classes and also painting classes. Moreover, they also have their own tattoo studio. 


When I came inside their basecamp, I found stack of books with a note beside it. “Maaf buku-buku tidak bisa dibawa pulang karena untuk kepentingan yang lain juga.” No wonder Taring Babi community has a special place in the hearts of people around. An important part of understanding and defining a sub-culture is looking at how much the members within a sub-culture define themselves by the sub-culture itself. Identity sub-culture can be so strong that it affects a number of aspects within the member’s lives and other people around. 

Taring Babi community seeks to prove the existence of themselves as part of the citizen, by following community activities, lectures, community service and others. Afterwards, the citizen then lessen the negative stigma against Taring Babi community. A note to remember is that a community which is also a sub-culture that its members are being a part of this community helps to create their identity. Freedom of expression, I must say is the right of each and every individual human being. Regardless, the media that shapes us around, try to look a little bit closer and examine the details and all behind it. 

“Perubahan pola pikir, kriminal, hilang dengan sendirinya. Ujung-ujungnya setiap orang pun mempunyai kemerdekaan sendirinya. Tidak ada budaya doktrin tapi adalah murni hasil pemikiran suatu individu.”

As humans, it is essentially important to have a community in which we belong. To be understood, to share the same values. A home. 

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